Some Necessary Measures to Prevent Drug Addiction 2024

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Prevention and education have a crucial role to play when it comes to combating addictive diseases caused by psychoactive substances since numerous studies on this topic indicate that the occurrence of addiction diseases, especially among young people, is primarily related to need.

In 1957, the World Health Organization defined drug addiction as a condition of periodic or chronic intoxication caused by repeated drug intake. When it comes to prevention, it should be noted that it is a comprehensive system of control and upbringing. It seeks to prevent adverse causes, their direct impact on individuals and social groups at increased risk of drug addiction, given the characteristics of their social status, age, and other socio-psychological features.

Prevention involves a complete development of social care for children and their development and socialization, as well as the timely elimination of the difficulties of socialization already expressed. Because of all this, prevention occupies a primary place in the fight against drug addiction and other forms of addiction.

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Over time, drug addiction has become a pervasive problem, regardless of gender, age, social status, and other similar characteristics. Today it is evident that this is a problem that is affecting an increasingly young population. For this reason, prevention activities should be organized to reach children in primary schools. If we look at the causes of the disorder, then prevention activities should certainly be directed at the family, the school, and the whole society.

That is a problem that all segments of society need to be involved in – parents, students, school, legislation, police, health, etc. InfiniteRecovery can be very helpful regarding this matter. Also, they all need to have a unique attitude and take action that will send a clear message. The message must be that alcohol and drugs are harmful to health and have adverse effects on both the individual and the entire society.

Click here, to get more information about addiction problems.

Addiction prevention is based on the education and activities of the entire community. Training involves public and selective education. Public education is conducted by informing and raising public awareness of the harmfulness of psychoactive substances. Selective education, on the other hand, includes activities aimed at a specific population, such as students, students, parents, a staff of educational institutions, at-risk groups of citizens, etc.

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When it comes to preventive activities carried out by the community, they are most often carried out at the level of organized services, through legal norms and organizations dealing with this issue. Prevention also involves the timely detection of addiction diseases, their diagnosis, and motivation for treatment and resocialization. Identifying addicts on time and taking measures to treat them and reintegrate them into society is of particular importance for the successful suppression of drug addiction.

Indeed, the results of the rehabilitation process are better if it is started earlier. Functional cooperation of health institutions, educational institutions, centers for social work, educational and pedagogical institutions, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, parents, and all citizens is necessary for successful preventive action.

Parents play the most significant role in the prevention process and play an essential role in prevention. The key to preventing psychoactive substance use is a strong, stable family that needs to allow the child’s personality to mature correctly.

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It is the parents who, through daily contact with their children, should influence children to develop an awareness of the harmful effects of drugs and the detrimental consequences of their consumption. They should set clear and reasonable boundaries in the child’s behavior and be the one to teach the child to say no when coming into contact with drugs.

Proper upbringing enables you to grow your child into a healthy, sensible personality who will be able to cope with temptations and problems without entering the world of addiction. It is necessary to help them understand social constraints, that is, what is unacceptable behavior for their and the common good – they point out at the Institute for Public Health.

Parents should regularly talk to the child and be informed about all the events in the life of their child. They should monitor his / her performance at school and be familiar with the society in which the child moves. Also, the parent must know how, where, with whom his or her child spends their free time, and in doing so, he/she pays attention to changes in the child’s behavior and mood. It is necessary to accept the fact that every child can become an addict, and that is what every parent must be aware of!

It is crucial not to run away from problems, and if changes are noticed or when doubts arise, seek the help of experts, teachers, psychologists, doctors, social workers.

Addiction treatment

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Addiction treatment is a long and challenging process. Each addiction is specific, from one individual to another. Anyway, there is no difference in the nature of the disease. The difference can be made by the time a person goes for treatment

According to LaunchCenters, there are two basic types of treatment, namely hospital and outpatient treatment. The first involves hospital stay 24 hours a day, and the whole process takes place there. In contrast, the second requires treatment in a day hospital, meaning that therapeutic activities (with a psychologist, psychiatrist, group) are performed in the hospital, and the rest of the day is spent at home.)

Unfortunately, there are many prejudices when it comes to treating addiction disease. The additional problem is that there is generally no resolution and motivation of the patient for treatment. Even when treatment begins, there are many resistances in the patient, as the process involves introducing completely new rules into daily life, as well as a completely different lifestyle from the one the patient is used to. All these resistances and manipulations are the last attempts to avoid somehow or delay the definitive termination of drug contact. 

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However, the enormous prejudices of the family (but also of the addicts) are that the treatment is something negative. They think that the family will, therefore, experience shame and humiliation in the eyes of others. People fear that now everyone will learn “that their child is a drug addict,” that “everyone will raise their hands from them” and will look at them with contempt. All these fears are regular occurrences, but they are simply wrong.

In most cases, many people in the addict environment know that there is a problem before coming to treatment. Treatment cannot be successful unless the addict (and his family) overcome this fear and mystification of a problem called “drugs.” On the one hand, there is the knowledge that “others will have out about the problem.” On the other, it is the life of the addict and the people closest to him, because the drug not only destroys one life but necessarily entails far more profound consequences for many.